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How can I place an order on WaYō Desserts' website?To place an order on WaYō Desserts' website, simply browse through our selection of American and Japanese baked goods, select the items you'd like to order, and proceed to checkout by following the prompts on the website.
How do I make a special request on WaYō Desserts' website?To make a special request at WaYō Desserts, please use the form located on the 'Contact Me' tab on our website. Fill out the necessary details and specifications for your special order, and our team will get in touch with you to discuss further.
Why are there price differences for certain dietary restrictions at WaYō Desserts?At WaYō Desserts, price variations for certain dietary restrictions are due to the cost variance of specific substitutes required to accommodate those restrictions. Different ingredients or specialized products may incur additional expenses, leading to price adjustments for items with dietary modifications.
Are there more menu options coming to WaYō Desserts?Yes, at WaYō Desserts, the menu is seasonal, offering a variety of options throughout the year. While some items are available year-round, new and different selections will be introduced in the upcoming weeks and months to provide a fresh and diverse experience for our customers.
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